The description of One Button Navigation Bar App
“One Button Navigation Bar” application can replace a failed and broken button for those people who have
trouble using buttons or navigation bar panels that are not working properly.
This app provides only one button at the bottom of the screen and is able to do many actions such as Back, Home, Recent.
Key Features:- There are 6 actions you can set for this button (Swipe Left, Swipe Right, Swipe Top, Swipe Down, Single Press, Long Press)
- Ability to change button color.
- Ability to set button width, height and position.
- Ability to Set vibrate on touch.
- Options to adjust position of button in landscape mode.
- Switch on/off via notification.
- Switch on/off via quick settings tile. (Android 7.0+)
Supported actions - Back - Home - Recent
- Lock screen
- Toggle Wi-Fi on/off
- Power menu
- Split screen
- Launch camera
- Open volume control
- Voice command
- Web search
- Toggle notification panel
- Toggle quick setting panel
- Launch dialer
- Launch web browser
- Launch settings
- Launch this application
- Launch any application
- Take a screenshot
- Switch off button for 10 seconds
*This application uses Accessibility Services for Home, Back and Recent functions.
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